Best Teas for Improved Focus and Deeper Relaxation

Tea is great in many ways, offering a quick way to warm up, a boost for energy, and tons of healthy antioxidants to the body. Different teas have different benefits, and can serve different purposes. If you are looking to improve your focus or achieve a deeper relaxation, look no further than some of these delicious tea options.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is known for being one of the most relaxing teas and works well to relieve anxiousness and reduce stress. If you tend to carry extra tension in your muscles, the menthol in peppermint serves as a great natural muscle relaxant when massaged and you’ve probably smelled it in muscle creams. Peppermint tea is a great drink to have before bed because of its relaxing effects and the fact that it is usually a caffeine-free tea.

Matcha Green Tea

Matcha green tea is great at both improving focus and increasing relaxation. The amino acids in this tea promote the production of alpha waves in the brain, which help you feel calm and relaxed. These amino acids also help the brain produce serotonin which promotes better memory and concentration. It can also be used as a natural detox and helps to burn energy and calories.


Chamomile has relaxing effects similar to those of peppermint tea, but has the added benefit of also being a bit of a calmer. If you are looking to not only feel relaxed, but to also to get sleepy, chamomile is the perfect tea for the job. It is also known to decrease irritability and soothe achy muscles.

Black Tea

For the best boost of cognitive function, try to drink a black tea. People who drink black tea every day usually experience a spike in their alertness, work productivity, and even their attention span. Black tea is also loaded with caffeine, which is known to increase focus and give lots of energy. There are many different types of black tea for different flavor preferences, like earl grey, English breakfast, masala chai, and many others.


Drinking tea is one of the best ways to naturally increase your ability to focus as well as relax. With the right tea, you can feel a noticeable difference in your mood and concentration. Another way to make these effects even more pronounced is by adding some essential oils to the tea. Lemongrass, lavender, ginger, and sandalwood are just some of the best essential oils known for their ability to increase your sense of focus. Put a few drops into your cup of tea for added flavor and increased benefits to the body.